
We used Ruby on Rails for the construction of various reservation systems, but above all for internal systems of the real estate client managing all internal processes, including critically important cash flow. We have also successfully combined the technology with other languages in the form of specialized microservices for sending e-mail messages and SMS.

Ruby is one of the modern and elegant open-source backend programming languages we love on the planet Eluvia. This language follows the path of simplest possible syntax, maximum readability and development efficiency. In practice it often omits uselessness, such as brackets, and introduces tweaks that give the programmer the maximum meaning of the code. Some would say that the source code is self-documented because of this, but we, experienced developers, know that such a thing does not exist, and we do not forget about honest documentation.

Thanks to its simplicity and sympathetic philosophy, the language has gained a huge community of supporters and fans who create new and even better libraries and improvements every day. These open-source libraries then enthusiastically share with the rest of the community. Thanks to this, the language is truly full of functions and a proven million users.

On Eluvia, we combine Ruby language almost exclusively with the Ruby on Rails framework. This symbiosis makes the most sense to us. The framework beautifully underlines the whole Ruby philosophy and brings it to perfection. It is maximally focused on productivity. Developing a more complex application can be a matter of a few hours, because all the insignificant details have been resolved long before and are 100% functional of course.
